Pickleball Warm Up To Prevent Injury

With cooler temperatures and cleaner air, we know you are excited to get out on the pickleball courts again … but stop! A proper warm-up is crucial before stepping onto the court to prevent injuries and enhance your game. Before your next match, check out Dr. Armstrong’s dynamic warm-up routine in the video below. Have a watch!

I know you are excited to get out on the pickleball courts but stop! A proper warm-up is crucial before stepping onto the pickleball court to prevent injuries and enhance your game. Here are a couple of dynamic warm-up exercises for your next match.

Dynamic Exercises:

Begin with a few laps around the court to loosen up and warm up your body. Focus on movement-based exercises rather than static stretches:

  1. Ankle Rolls: Prevent ankle sprains by rolling your ankles in both directions. This simple exercise helps strengthen and prepare your ankles for the game.

  2. Sidesteps & Shuffles: Perform side-to-side movements by getting low and sidestepping. You can also add a shuffle for more intensity, effectively warming up your hip muscles.

  3. Walking Lunges: Open up your hips and avoid overstretching by doing walking lunges. Move back and forth across the court, alternating legs.

  4. Shoulder Rotation: Warm up your shoulder joints by extending your arms out, rotating your thumbs backward and then down.

  5. Spinal Rotation: Cross your arms and twist your upper body from side to side, gradually adding hip swivels to engage the spine's rotation.

These exercises are just a sample of an effective pickleball warm-up routine. If something doesn’t feel right or an injury is holding you back, click below to book and appointment with Dr. Armstrong or Freedman. We are always happy to help!


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