Should I use Heat or Ice?
Back & Neck Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic Back & Neck Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic

Should I use Heat or Ice?

So you've hurt your back and you want relief fast - what do you reach for ice or heat? This is an age old question and the answer is starting to change. Dr. Robin Armstrong, your chiropractor at Willowbrook Chiropractic in Langley, discusses which is better: heat or ice when you have a new injury.

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Why Does it Hurt? Understanding Pain
Improving your Health Willowbrook Chiropractic Improving your Health Willowbrook Chiropractic

Why Does it Hurt? Understanding Pain

Have you ever experienced a tension headache after a stressful day, or noticed that you are achy and sore after a bad night of sleep? Pain is not as straightforward as: you cut your knee, then you heal from that cut, and then the pain goes away. Sometimes the pain can come and go. Sometimes the pain can return even though you are still healing as you should.

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All About: Rib & Shoulder Blade Pain
Back & Neck Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic Back & Neck Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic

All About: Rib & Shoulder Blade Pain

Do you suffer from a nagging, burning, painful spot near your shoulder blade on your back? Maybe it's hard for you to take deep breaths sometimes. Maybe you're experiencing some wrapping chest pain. What you might be feeling is an irritation of the ribs where they meet the spine.

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Back Pain Detective: How We Solve Your Low Back Pain
Back & Neck Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic Back & Neck Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic

Back Pain Detective: How We Solve Your Low Back Pain

As a chiropractor at Willowbrook Chiropractic in Langley, I'm often asked what techniques we use to treat low back pain. To begin with, we start with a thorough history and examination to identify the source and cause of the problem. From there, we can make decisions about the best treatment techniques for each individual.

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Overcoming an Ankle Sprain
Foot Ankle & Knee Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic Foot Ankle & Knee Pain Willowbrook Chiropractic

Overcoming an Ankle Sprain

A rolled ankle is something we often encounter in our practice, typically a few weeks post-incident. So, after weeks of compensating, limping, and walking awkwardly, individuals frequently approach us with back pain, knee pain, or hip pain. Check out the video to see what can be done about ankle sprains.

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