All About: Plantar Fasciitis

Are you waking up in the morning and experiencing heel pain? Or perhaps you walk a lot, and by the end of the day, your feet feel tired, sore, and achy. You may be wondering if you could have plantar fasciitis. Watch Dr. Armstrong’s video below to find out what it is and what solutions we offer.

Are you waking up in the morning and experiencing heel pain? The first few steps out of bed can be quite painful, right? Or perhaps you walk a lot, and by the end of the day, your feet feel tired, sore, and achy. You may be wondering if you could have plantar fasciitis.

Watch the video to find out all about Plantar Fasciitis:

  • What is the Plantar Fascia? - A thick piece of connective tissue that runs from our heal to our toes.

  • What is Plantar Fasciitis? - A gradual increase of heel pain at the insertion of the fascia into the heel.

  • What can you do about it?

    • Get a proper assessment - Lots of other problems in the foot, ankle and low back can mimic plantar fasciitis.

    • Chiropractic mobilization and soft tissue therapy of the foot and ankle.

    • Self massage + stretching techniques.

    • Custom Foot orthotics

    • Modifying your activities.

If you are having foot pain, we can help you figure out if it is Plantar Fasciitis or another foot problem, and start treatment right away. Book an appointment below. We're always here to help.


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