What Makes Up A Great Shoe @ Kintec Langley

Shoes form our foundation, so choosing the right pair is essential to support our entire body. Check out Dr. Freedman’s Shoe selection video with Kintec Langley to find out 1. what makes up a great shoe / 2. Runners vs walkers vs trail shoes / & 3. how to choose the best shoe for your orthotics.

If you’ve got more shoe questions, just ask Dr. Freedman or Armstrong at your next visit. They have lots of ideas.

Have you ever wondered what makes up a great shoe? Dr. Freedman recently took a quick trip over to Kintec Langley to chat about what makes up a great shoe with Kelsie, the store manager and a pedorthist.

Watch the video to find out:

What are the components of a great shoe?

  • Strong heel counter

  • You can’t twist it into a rag.

  • The shoe should flex in the forefoot

Running vs Walking shoes:

  • Running shoes have more cushioning in the midsole, more breathable and lighter weight. They are also meant for straight lines so not great for pickleball or tennis.

  • A walking shoe has more lateral support, more leather, and a more dense midsole. Overall they are more structurally stable.

Trail Runners vs Hikers:

  • Trail running shoes are similar to running shoes with a breathable top and lightweight cushioned midsole. They also have more grip on the bottom, and a little more lateral stability for uneven surfaces.

  • Hikers have a more protective upper and are generally more stiff and stable.

Shoe selection for Orthotics:

  • Need to have a removable footbed.

  • The thicker your orthotic is, the more depth you're going to need in the shoe.

  • A deep heel cup

Indoor or summer supportive footwear options:

  • Sandals with a built in arch - either a slide or flip flop

  • Slipper with removable footbeds to fit an orthotic into.

If you are having foot, ankle or knee pain and wondering if your shoes might be part of the problem, ask Dr. Jody Freedman or Dr. Robin Armstrong. There always happy to help.


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