Foot Pain Detective: How We Treat Your Foot & Ankle Pain
If you suffer from foot or ankle pain, you might be wondering what type of health practitioner you should be seeing. Well luckily in our office we treat lots of foot and ankle pain. My name is Dr. Robin Armstrong. I'm a chiropractor at Willowbrook Chiropractic, and today I'm going to demonstrate some of the treatments we might use if you come to us with foot or ankle discomfort.
History: We always start with a thorough history, trying to understand the root of your problem, and how you got to where you are today.
Examination: We might look at the bones of your foot, of your ankle, higher up in the shin, the knee, the hip, and the lower back to make sure that the source of the problem is actually coming from the foot and ankle itself, or maybe it's coming from higher up the chain.
Treatment: We have a variety of tools that we might use:
Mobilize the bones of the foot using a toggle board.
Active Release Technique on the muscles of the calf or the plantar fascia ( check out this video) that runs on the bottom of the foot.
Impulse instrument to free up stuck joints of the foot.
Treat the rest of the body - Knee, Hip, Low Back
Custom Foot Orthotics (check out this video)
If you need help with your foot, ankle or knee pain, book an appointment with either of our Chiros. They’d be happy to help.