Unlock Your Upper Back: Thoracic Mobility Routine

Are you experiencing tension and pain in your upper back? In our latest video Dr. Robin shares effective exercises to help you find relief. From using rolled-up towels to practicing various stretches, Dr. Robin provides practical tips to mobilize your thoracic spine and alleviate discomfort.

Relieve Upper Back Tension: Simple Moves for Instant Relief

Are you struggling with tension and pain in your upper back? You're not alone. With the increasing use of phones, computers, and long hours of driving, many of us experience discomfort in our thoracic spine. Fortunately, there are simple exercises you can do at home to alleviate this tension and improve your mobility.

In our latest video, Dr. Robin shares her expertise on how to relieve upper back pain. She guides us through a series of exercises designed to get movement through the upper back and reduce tension, burning, and fatigue.


  • A cat cow variation with a narrow hand position to target the upper back

  • Twisting from the upper back/shoulder blade area to free up motion

  • Lying on a rolled up towel to open up the chest and spine

  • A variation of child's pose that stretches the lats muscle which can often contribute to upper back (and low back) tension

These exercises are simple yet effective ways to get some movement and blood flow into that tight upper back. However, if you find that these exercises aren't doing the trick or if your upper back pain is a recurring issue, book in with us so we can help get you out of pain.

Don't let upper back pain hold you back. Try these exercises and watch the full video for more tips on maintaining a healthy spine.


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