Back Pain Detective: How We Solve Your Neck Pain

Do you suffer from neck pain or headaches? If so, you might be wondering what chiropractic treatment looks like. Chiropractic treatment can involve various techniques, depending on the individual's specific needs.

Before any treatment begins, we will take a thorough history of your symptoms and perform an exam to determine the root cause of your pain. Often, treatment begins with the patient sitting while the chiropractor works on the muscles that attach from the shoulders to the back of the neck.

Both Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Freedman are trained in Active Release Technique (ART), which involves pinning the muscle and adding a stretch to break down tension and pain. This technique can involve moving the neck or arm to work on the muscles around the shoulder blade. Addressing this area can impact the heads position and any pain the patient might be feeling. These muscles are often affected when someone suffers from whiplash.

After addressing the muscles, we check the joints in the neck to see how they are moving. The bones in the neck stack on top of each other and make a joint with the one above and the one below. Sometimes these joints can get stuck or not glide well, which can cause pain. Depending on the patient's health history and preference, we might choose to do a spinal adjustment or manipulation. This can involve using the hands or an instrument, such as the impulse adjusting tool, which adds a series of taps to the bones of the neck to get them gliding and moving better.

It's important to note that every person is unique, and the techniques used in chiropractic treatment will depend on the individual's specific needs. We may also look at the rest of the patient's body to see how it's impacting their neck issues. We may also provide homework, such as exercises or stretches, and may recommend changes to the patient's workstation or pillow to help alleviate their symptoms.

In summary, chiropractic treatment for neck pain and headaches can involve a variety of techniques, including ART, spinal adjustments, and exercises. Dr. Armstrong and Dr. Freedman at Willowbrook Chiropractic can provide personalized treatment to help alleviate your pain. 

If you have any questions about chiropractic treatment or the techniques discussed, don't hesitate to reach out.


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