Willowbrook Chiropractic

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Happy Hips 2: Your Advanced Hip Mobility Routine

Are your hips feeling tight and achy? Tune in to Dr. Robin's advanced hip mobility routine for exercises that improve flexibility and strength. Watch now and give your hips the care they deserve!

Are your hips feeling tight, stiff, or achy? You're not alone, and there’s a solution! Tight hips can often lead to discomfort in the lower back, sacroiliac joint, or even knees due to the way stress transfers between these areas. Improving your hip mobility is key to relieving this discomfort and enhancing flexibility.

Dr. Robin demonstrates:

  • Hip 90/90 to target both internal and external hip rotation

  • Butterfly Pose to stretch in the groin

  • Hip CARS (Controlled Articular Rotations) to access all of the hip ranges of motion

Incorporating these exercises 1-3 times a week can make a noticeable difference in how your hips feel and move. Start your journey to healthier hips today!

If you have any questions about this video or need some help feeling better, feel free to reach out to us, Dr. Robin Armstrong or Dr. Jody Freedman. We’re always happy to help.  You can book with us online or give us a call.

More info:

Are your hips feeling tight, stiff, or achy? You're not alone, and there’s a solution! Tight hips can often lead to discomfort in the lower back, sacroiliac joint, or even knees due to the way stress transfers between these areas. Improving your hip mobility is key to relieving this discomfort and enhancing flexibility.

To start, try a hip 90/90 variation. This position targets the external rotation of the front hip and internal rotation of the back leg. Focus on slow pulses and extended holds, using your muscles to guide the internal rotation.

Another helpful exercise involves bringing the soles of your feet together. Sitting on a pillow or block can improve posture and decrease sagging in the lower back, making it easier to enhance hip movement. Strengthening the groin muscles eccentrically during this exercise is an added benefit that many overlook.

A controlled articular rotation in the quadruped position is another effective move. Engage your core to isolate the hip movements and avoid unnecessary pelvic tilting. Controlled, intentional movements here can help you build both strength and mobility.

Incorporating these exercises 1-3 times a week can make a noticeable difference in how your hips feel and move. If you have specific questions or want personalized guidance, reach out to Dr. Jody Freedman or me, Dr. Robin Armstrong, at Willowbrook Chiropractic. You can also find more tips and exercises on our YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram pages.

Start your journey to healthier hips today!